Many would think that hiring a designer for a home renovation or renovation project in Goa would be to narrow-in on the aesthetics of the build, however, there is a lot more that an expert can bring to the table besides providing a professional consultation on only the cosmetics. These professionals can add much more value to the build and bring about improvements that would make the space look harmonious. Right from working on the floor plan with the architect to the overlooking and managing the contractors the scope of work that can be absorbed is enormous. With Eadus, clients have the backing of years of experience and most importantly expertise in project management and execution making us a leader among firms for turnkey project management and execution.
Envisioning is the primary skill that can outfit spaces with proper planning to make it look beautiful, functional and practical. For all the elements to fit into the scheme and maintain an uniform aesthetic proper structural planning that match the architectural features with the rest of the house are a primary tasks of these professionals. Executing plans that match the clients lifestyle, cultivating relationships with contractors and vendors goes with every project at hand.
Consider hiring an space decor consultant when you have a clear vision for your space as they bring a professional approach to space planning and look-after the nitty-gritty details getting your space to come together. Devising solutions that otherwise wouldn’t have crossed your mind that requires creativity and attention to tiny details can transform the look and feel of the project.
Costs of hiring a professional in Goa varies as many have an hourly fee and some a flat fee structure. A few firms also may require hiring on a retainer basis. Many also charge a percentage of the total project cost. These professionals also charge their fees as well as the cost of purchasing raw materials. In this service fee, the cost of retail raw material purchases are billed, any discounts are kept as fees. For those on a tight budget, you could hire a firm to consult for only for a few hours or for only sourcing the right types of materials and decoratives and get billed only for a few hours of consulting.
Ensuring that the space consultant is able to work around your style is essential before making a hiring decision. Being able to adapt to your preferences and be able to understand your vision for the project is the trait of most successful consultant firms. For builds that require measurements and layouts the firm your hire should also be preferably willing to work with an architect as well. Having an architect on-board is completely dependent on the nature of the project. Architects would help break down each part of the planning process. Complex electrical, structural and plumbing layouts would require an architect to draw- up working drawings. Providing the consultant with a set of samples of the work you want to carry out would give him a better understanding of the project’s objectives and also provide guidelines to work with.
During the initial consultation share as much as information as you can, especially if you plan to retain several aspects in its current form, which will help in putting together the preliminary sketches. Getting the expert on-board during the preliminary stages along with the architect helps in looking at different options or combinations and iron out potential discrepancies particularly those that involve structural changes to load-bearing walls, beams or columns.
Having a discussion with the household members jointly with the designer at the outset will get everyone’s output to avoid potential conflicts down the road. Getting a clear understanding on the billing at the beginning will paint a clear picture on the fees that you would be billed, whether it is traveling expenses, number of site visits etc that would be added to billing costs.
Meta: Specializing in providing complete turkey solutions we undertake project management keeping in mind optimal planning & management
Interior planning and design is the outcome of how you can make a house into a home. There is very fine line that defines a room being chaotic or in order. It all starts in deciding where to put your furniture. An average apartment in the city is small, with limited availability of space, elements in the space can have a huge effect on our mood. A professional space consultant will always first look at the layout of furniture at the outset and nothing really is left to chance.
Display, is the second aspect to consider. The crucial thing to bear in mind is the use of storage space, organising things that you need and the things that you want and importantly, the things that you want to look at. Consider the use of a space as well. In a bedroom, you spend most of your time on the bed, therefore your vision is mostly in one direction, unlike other spaces where you are wondering around and seeing things at various angles. Therefore it is important to work out the axis, the direction that one would mostly likely look at, the primary areas of focus, at that this focal point you need something that would really delight the eye.
Keep in mind that not everything in the room should be begging for attention. Ideally a space like a bedroom shouldn’t have too many functions working in the environment. Dressers and storage are bulky and somewhat of an eye soar in these spaces that would clutter the space. On remodelling projects it is more than often seen that homeowners do not like to get rid of everything existing in a space and start with a completely new elements. Remember, everything in a home is surrounded by experiences of the past and elements that we surround ourselves with are testimonies to those experiences. All these things come together to make a life and has to be respected. That does not mean that we cannot work around it.
So where do you start? To begin with an interior designer first makes a note of what catches their attention while entering an empty space. Windows, balconies, fireplaces, these are immovable architectural elements. These are elements that are there to stay, focal points around which they will have to plan arrangements of the furniture. There are a huge number of people that purchase furniture on an impulse without considering what they plan to achieve for the space. So, how would you decide the best layout for a room?
When a scheme is planned for a room they will always first consider exactly where the furniture goes before starting as it affects everything around it rather than working it out as you go along. For a symmetrical arrangement in spaces like the living room it is important that you first consider what would be focal point most used by a person in the room and plan the furniture around it. As an example, consider whether a couch facing the fireplace would be as ideal as a couch facing the television. The eye is constantly searching for stimulation and focal points provide a point of interest for an eye to settle on and explore. Traditionally, the fireplace used to be the focal point around which you would arrange your furniture but now a days it often competes with television for centre stage.
For creating individuality to a room, carefully coordinated use of objects can add to the character and balance of the room. First thing to this is to capture the eye-line in a room. The arrangement for the eye-line walking in also has to work from a seated eye-line. This would mean mixing and matching elements so that no one element becomes too dominant.
Scale and proportion is the next element in planning of a project. The most important rule here is to establish a working relationship between the objects you are displaying. Scale is the primary factor that determines this. Bigger objects would look better in bigger rooms. Groups of three are easy to arrange and are easy to the eye. For smaller objects such as floral arrangements, odd numbers work best. So instead of a four floral arrangements, consider three or five and notice the difference.
Often overlooked, using texture and patterns in architecture and scheme is neither expensive nor difficult to incorporate. There is something inherently satisfying in using repetitive elements in the scheme and every culture has its own unique preferences to making and liking patterns. Using it successfully is a work of art and when implemented in the right way patterns and textures can do wonders to your project.