Decor tips to transform your home

With minimal cost you too can easily incorporate these well-known interior design ideas, follow your own intuition and add your touch to it. These ideas do not take time to master and add significant impact to your living space. Minor additions such as adding a mirror, a work of art, a lampshade or even a plant can brighten the room up and add warmth to it.  There are plenty of home decor stores in and around Panjim, Goa, that offer indoor items such as table lamps, side tables, small seaters, art, lights and much more that you can choose from just to get started.

Choice of wall colours
Pick the wall colours at the end of all decorating tasks rather than the beginning. After moving your upholstery, furniture, artwork and everything else would give you better idea of what colour would be ideal to compliment it all. Wall colours look different from home to home as lighting sources may vary, room sizes and flooring could differ as well. It is always advised to have light colours to make the room appear larger. This works well in living rooms where you would want the maximum use of space. In addition to pastel shades, large windows, use of mirrors and easy access to natural light will give the appearance of a larger space. Darker shades on the other hand make a room appear to be boxed-in even with the use of mirrors or natural light.

The right amount of furniture in the room
The thumb rule here being that furniture in the room should not fight for attention and overcrowd the space. The good news is that this works well when you are on a budget. It would be advisable to spend on a few quality pieces rather than on the number of pieces to fill up the room. ‘Little is more works’ well here, making space to maneuver easily and avoiding being overcrowded.

Use of art and decorative mirrors
For making a smaller space look larger mirrors can be strategically placed across the windows of a room that will reflect natural light. Think about replacing art or fill-up empty space with a decorative mirror in case you are looking to add light and create dimension to the living space. Before adding artwork to the room ensure that it is more or less around 57 inches above the ground which is the average level of the human eye. If you are unsure of the height placement take a picture, print it out and paste it on the wall to give you a sense of whether a larger or smaller piece of art would best fill the vacant spot.

A centrepoint of attention
As you would see a supporting cast to leading roles in any film production, interior design holds the same principle as well. Asking everything to be the centre of attention would result in visual noise. Instead choose your favorite and make it a focal point of attention. A piece of art, a group of well arranged photographs or even a mantelpiece in the living room or bedroom works well. Something that draws attention and stands out